Search for University Jobs in Veterinary Medicine

Job ID: 251527

Postdoctoral Fellow
Auburn University

Date Posted Jan. 13, 2025
Title Postdoctoral Fellow
University Auburn University
Auburn, AL, United States
Department Pathobiology
Application Deadline Open until filled
Position Start Date Available immediately
  • Post-Doc
  • Pathology/Pathobiology
The Department of Pathobiology and the Scott Ritchey Research Center are looking for a Regenerative Medicine Postdoctoral Research Fellow. The successful applicant will be available for investigating the potential of stem and platelet-based therapeutics against inflammatory and immune mediated diseases, under Group Leader, Maria C. Naskou DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVP. The Naskou group is located at Scott Ritchey Research Center in the College of Veterinary Medicine of Auburn University. Our research is focusing on developing and translating novel biological therapeutics against muscular and neuropathological conditions that are characterized by inflammation. Specifically, our lab is investigating the anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory and antimicrobial properties of various orthobiologicals including platelet lysate and stem cell derived extracellular vesicles. We further investigating stem cell derived extracellular vesicles as a delivery method for targeted gene therapy, along with the development of novel oligonucleotide-based therapeutics.

The successful applicant will lead a mentored pre-clinical research project with potential for direct clinical translation. The candidate will study the properties and how platelet and stem cell derived biologicals are able to rescue immune responses via cytokine downregulation and transcription and to exert an antimicrobial effect. Moreover, the candidate will evaluate the effect and mechanism of action of specific orthobiologicals against specific immune cells including neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages/microglia. The candidate will also be expected to contribute to the preparation of manuscripts and reports and to present their findings at meetings, lab meetings and national/international symposia. Additionally, the candidate is expected to guide graduate students in experimental troubleshooting, assist in data analysis, manuscript/presentation review and to contribute to lab management responsibilities.

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